Wednesday 16 September 2015

Online reflection 1

Dear students,

For your first online reflection you're asked to read and reflect on (that is, develop a line of thought that the rest of us can follow) / react to the article 'From relationships to revolutions: seven ways Facebook has changed the world'. There’s no upper or lower word limit for your entry, but you should post it on your own blog page (see 'How to get started' below) by Thursday 1 October if you want to be guaranteed some feedback from fellow students after that point.

'From relationships to revolutions: seven ways Facebook has changed the world' is meant to inspire/provoke you to think about the issues it touches upon before you start typing away, but you’re of course more than welcome to take your reflection far beyond the scope of the article.

I look forward to reading your entries. Enjoy your thinking and writing,


How to get started

Dear students,

This is just a quick entry to start the ball rolling. If you already have a blog account up and running, please send its address as a comment on this post (don't forget to state your name and surname unless it's evident from your user account) and I'll link to it in the 'Reflecting students' section on the right. Thus, by the time you're looking to read and comment on each other's blog entries, these will only be one click away.

If you don’t have a blog account yet, I suggest you create one at (especially if you already have a Google account) or ask your fellow students if they can recommend a particular blog host. Whatever your choice, please make sure that I can link to your blog site and that your readers are allowed to post comments on your blog site entries.

That should be enough to get you started, but please let me know if you have any questions or problems. See you online and in class,


PS If you choose sign up for a Blogger account and don't want anybody except your teacher and course mates to be able to find and read your blog, i) log into your account, ii) select the blog you will use for this course, iii) click on the Design link, iv) open the Settings tab, v) on the Privacy line in the Basics section, click on Edit, and vi) switch the answer to 'No' for both 'Add your blog to our listings?' and 'Let search engines find your blog?'