Thursday 26 November 2015

Online reflection 3

Dear students,

Thanks for yet another round of stimulating reading! Once again, I encourage everyone to read a lot more peer entries than the ones you actually comment on. Below is the third and final online reflection assignment for English for Science & Technology I:

• Write a reflection on the book that you've chosen to read for this course (at least 100 pages of fact or fiction published in English, remember).
• The starting point for your reflection could be anything in or about the book that has had some sort of impact on your thinking, whether it’s an overriding theme or a particular passage, line, detail, aspect etc. Taking it from there, you're welcome to extend your reflection far beyond the confines of the actual book (through parallels and contrasts, for instance).
• Your reflection should not take the form of a review (in other words, I'm not asking you to assess and rate the book and/or its author[s]) but you may want to start off with a very brief summary of/introduction to what the rest of us need to know about the book to better understand and appreciate your reflection.
• If you decide to quote something from the novel you must quote it verbatim, use quotation marks (or a block quotation) and provide the page number.
• Word limit: 500 (Use >80% reflection and <20% summary/introduction as a guideline.)
• Posting deadline: Thursday 7 January
• Tip: think of this reflection as a golden opportunity to ask intriguing questions that you’re not necessarily responsible for answering. :-)

Enjoy your reading and reflecting,


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