Thursday 1 October 2015

Next, read and react to peer entries!

Dear students,

Thanks for the interesting thoughts you've shared so far - keep them coming!

Your next e-mission is to browse online reflection 1 entries via the 'Reflecting students' section on the right and then comment on the thoughts of your next-door neighbours (that is, the one listed right above you and the one listed right below you from 1 October onwards) + at least one other listed student of your choice. You're free to comment on whatever aspect(s) you want (including linguistic ones if you feel competent/confident enough) in as much detail as you like. If your blog is accessible by invitation only, please don't forget to send an invitation to your next-door neighbours and me - thank you!

If your next-door neighbour(s) should fail to meet the posting deadline, it's no longer your duty (but still your right) to comment on their work. As long as you comment on at least three online reflection 1 entries in total by Thursday 15 October, you can safely choose to ignore overdue ones.

Enjoy your reading and commenting,



  1. Hi, just a question. Since I don't have any blog above my name, is it ok to just pick another one?

    Best Regards

  2. Hi Marcus,

    I don't blame you for your linear/vertical approach, but I encourage you to be more circular about the whole thing and regard the student at the very bottom of the list as your next-door neighbour. :)

    All the best,


  3. Update, 00.54 am: Adam steps in as your upstairs neighbour and you can snap back into linear mode. ;-)

  4. Hi, should every name in this list be linked to a blog with content? It seems like my downstairs neighbor's link isn't working, or links to an empty page?

  5. Hi Stefan,

    I'll remind your downstairs neighbour to post a reflection as soon as possible. In the meantime, you're welcome to move further down the road (again, you're under no obligation to wait for your next-door neighbours now that the posting deadline has passed).

    Best regards,


  6. Hej, I wrote today a comment to Adam Risbridger's Blog but somehow you can't see it then in public, maybe it's only like a message? He's using a different blog at
