Thursday 29 October 2015

Online reflection 2

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Dear students,

It's time for the second out of three online reflection assignments for English for Science & Technology I:

- Give Andrew McAfee's and Abha Dawesar's respective TED talks 'Are droids taking our jobs?' and 'Life in the Digital Now' 15+12 minutes of your undivided attention,
- write a reflection based on or relating to one of the talks (as a whole or in part, and in as much detail as you like), and
- post your entry on your blog page by Thursday 12 November.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts and reactions,


PS Tip: all TED talks come with optional subtitles (see bottom of the video clip box) and transcripts (see right below the box) which you're allowed to use to facilitate your work / aid your memory as long as you set the language to English. :-)

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